Support the Quileute Tribe's Move To Higher Ground

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  • recipient: Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Rep. Norman Dicks (D-WA)
The majority of tribal members on the Quileute Indian Reservation live in a tsunami zone. The reservation is nestled on one square mile on the Olympia Peninsula in Washington state. With no room to expand, the tribe is asking the federal government for land.

That's why we're supporting Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Rep. Norman Dicks (D-WA) in their efforts to pass legislation to allow for the tribe to move to land on higher ground.

In the process, thousands of acres of land would be protected from development and public access to beaches along the coast would be guaranteed.

About 300 people live in the tsunami zone on the reservation. What's more, the village's school, senior center, tribal headquarters and several churches are located right within the low-lying area.

Support the Quileute tribe's effort to move housing and infrastructure to higher land and protect the surrounding wilderness!

I am writing to express my support for Senate bill 636.

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In the wake of the devastating tsunami in Japan, the need to protect the people living in coastal communities is even more apparent.

[your name here]
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