Urgent: Stop the Illegal Export and Sale of Wild Baby Elephants, Lion Cubs and Sable Antelope

Just days ago, Zimbabwe's government admitted to capturing about 36 baby elephants from the wild in order to sell them and ship them overseas. Reports now say there could also be seven lion cubs and ten sable antelopes in that group. The young animals --between 2.5 and 5 years old -- are being held in wooden pens in Hwange National Park, after being separated from their families and captured.

Elephants are heavily reliant on their mothers until they are about 5 years of age. They live in very social societies and disruptions of this kind can lead to early death for these young animals. One of the elephants has already died.

Reports say the animals will be shipped to the UAE with the final destination of China. These animals have been stripped from their families and their natural habitat, only to be sold to the highest bidder for the entertainment of a few greedy humans. This is in violation of the Convention Of International Trade Endangered Species which does not allow the export of animals under six years of age.

This sale must not go forward! Please sign this petition today to tell the US consulates for Zimbabwe, China and UAE that you want this deal stopped and the animals rehabilitated and released.

Sponsored by SocialCompassion.org & Peace4Animals.com.

To whom it may concern: Reports of wild elephants, lions and sable antelopes being rounded up for export and sale have disturbed me and the other signers of this petition. We believe the practice of ripping animals from their native habitat and packs is cruel and unnecessary. Please take every action you can to ensure that this sale does not move forward and that these animals are immediately rehabilitated and released. Thank you.

Update #29 years ago
Calling all elephant advocates! Urge President Obama to stop the Zimbabwe sale and transport of captured baby elephants to China and demand greater protection for all African elephants in the future! We need your voice now! Follow the link and sign the petition if you want President Obama to speak out against Zimbabwe's actions and for the protection of elephants!
Update #110 years ago
Thank you so much for signing and sharing this urgent petition. More than 100 baby elephants now face exportation from Zimbabwe to China now, as there is huge demand for elephants in China. Also, it is reported that a permit for some of the captured elephants was given to a Sheikh in the UAE. We are working tirelessly to help these animals, and we need your help to continue sharing the petition with your friends so we can reach 200,000 signatures. Thank you.
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