Our Planet is On Fire: It's Time for Bold Climate Action

Record-breaking heat waves, devastating wildfires, and extreme weather events across Canada and around the world are clear warning signs: we cannot afford to delay bold climate action any longer. Enough is enough. 

Scientists warn that we are slipping further away from the goal of capping global warming at 1.5°C. [1] The Canadian government declared a climate emergency in 2019, but we are not on track to meet our climate goals. [2] We cannot be silent as our future hangs in the balance.

Three quarters of Canadians are experiencing anxiety about climate change and the risks it poses for our future. [3] As fossil fuel companies grow richer, marginalized frontline communities that have contributed least to this crisis are facing the brunt of its impacts. We need our governments to listen to the voice of the people and stop bending to the pressure of oil and gas companies. 

We need bold climate action. That means implementing immediate measures to bring down emissions: no new fossil fuel development and a rapid, just and equitable phase-out of existing fossil fuels

We're calling on Canada's federal, provincial, and municipal leaders to take immediate and bold action to combat the climate emergency.

The more people who speak out and take action now, the harder it will be for our leaders to ignore. Sign the petition now to make your voice heard. 


[1] https://www.newscientist.com/article/2323175-the-worlds-1-5c-climate-goal-is-slipping-out-of-reach-so-now-what/

[2] https://globalnews.ca/news/9770288/canada-climate-goals-project-approval-report/#:~:text=Canada%20has%20no%20hope%20of,country%2C%20a%20new%20report%20states

[3] https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2023/04/17/2647675/0/en/75-of-Canadians-Worry-about-Climate-Change-and-its-Impacts-21-Having-Fewer-or-No-Children-as-a-Result.html

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