Keep Anti-Abortion Disinformation and Live Action of Public Schools!

In April of 2023, North Dakota enacted a law inspired by national anti-abortion organization Live Action's "Baby Olivia" video under the guise of teaching young people about fetal development. Similar anti-abortion propaganda legislation was passed in Tennessee and introduced in at least ten more states this year; seven of these bills – those in Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, and South Carolina– explicitly referenced the Live Action video.

Despite claiming to be backed by scientists, the claims made in the "Baby Olivia" video don't add up. The video repeats anti-abortion lies and inflammatory rhetoric debunked by numerous medical professionals. For example, it includes the false claim that hiccups begin at seven weeks of gestation, despite medically reviewed sources stating that fetal hiccups begin at 23 weeks. Additionally, the self-described scientists backing Live Action's video have ties to anti-abortion groups seeking to ban all abortions, with two working for anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America's research arm.

Live Action is an extreme anti-abortion group, and the organization and its work have no place in education. Live Action and its founder and leader Lila Rose have close ties to David Daleiden, the anti-abortion extremist who deceptively edited sting videos and spread inflammatory rhetoric about Planned Parenthood that was repeated by a mass shooter immediately after he killed three people and injured others inside a Colorado Springs health center. Live Action also employed Reuben Verastigui, an anti-abortion activist who was later convicted of distributing, receiving, and possessing child pornography. In addition to these disturbing ties, Rose is vocally against IVF and contraception. She has also widely disseminated a dangerous lie that "abortion is never medically necessary." This lie endangers people experiencing acute medical emergencies and has been directly refuted by medical groups and the Associated Press. 

Framing anti-abortion disinformation as educational material is detrimental to our nation's youth.

Sign the petition now to prevent this anti-abortion disinformation from being taught in public schools.

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