This Holiday Season, Pledge to Give

These girls are students in a school in Nyakagyezi, Uganda who have been orphaned due to HIV/AIDS. One of the students, Daphine, wrote this poem about hunger:
Hunger Hunger
the enemy that
fights intestines.
It keeps on
demanding even
when you have lost
a mother on Hunger
Children like Daphine who are orphaned due to AIDS are cut off from critical access to healthcare, education, and basic necessities. This school provides free education to these children, and is funded completely by donations from people like you.

This holiday season, there are all kinds of expensive gadgets and gizmos that you can give to family and friends. But consider this - it only takes $42 to provide a student in Uganda with a nutritious lunch for an entire year.

Join GlobalGiving in making this holiday season a time for giving, in any and every way possible. Tell us how you will make the season brighter for those in need.

This season, pledge to give!

I pledge to embrace this holiday season with a true commitment to my values. I plan to give my support, as time and/or donation, to projects that hold meaning to me, my family and my commitment to making this world a better place.

Some examples of projects I can help with are:

  • Providing safe drinking water for school children in Kenya,

  • Supplying 100 students in Sri Lanka with computers,

  • Helping women in India start a small business

  • Freeing a 12-year-old boy from child labor in Nepal and sending him to school.

I pledge to not feel daunted. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I will support that which I can, and encourage my friends and family to do the same this season.
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