Join Us in Advancing Health, Wellness, and Equity Across New York City

Joining with VIP Community Services represents an understanding of our commitment to meet the needs of New Yorkers, first, in the Bronx, and then across New York City. At the heart of our programs in health and wellness for all ages, addiction services, housing and shelter, and job readiness is VIP's commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI). These principles are interwoven in all aspects of our work. Furthermore, we believe in lifelong learning, identifying and redressing power imbalances, developing and sustaining inclusive relationships guided by respect and trust, while pursuing accountability on behalf of those we serve.

VIP demonstrates its commitment to these principles in concrete terms by adopting trauma-informed, resilience-oriented, and equitable (TIROE) care principles and practices that improve client and staff engagement and retention, outcomes, and
experience with care. We believe that a feeling of safety is the foundation of highly effective teams and quality client care.

By embracing TIROE care principles, we ensure that safety, respect, and trust are at the core of our services, fostering highly effective teams and quality client care.

Join Us in Making a Difference Today!

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