STOP rental companies and other government factions from stereotyping specific breeds of dogs and th

Here in certain parts, if not all of Florida, they have laws set in place of which restricts companies from renting homes to people that own certain breeds o dogs on a list that they deem and title "dangerous and aggressive breeds". This is a misconceived and uneducated stereotyping of specific breeds of dogs which is no more fair than stereotyping human beings. I digress in that we need to bring to light that not ALL dogs of any breed are aggressive and/or dangerous, and that, if nothing else, it should be a case by case basis with the owners/rental agents to have a meet and greet with the dog and/or call the vet to inquire about the dog's demeanor. Possibly even do as I have done and place your dog as a liability on your renters insurance, and this should be for ALL dogs, not just those on the list.

I own both a pit bull and a chihuahua, and even though both of my dogs are VERY people friendly, I have actually come across more small dogs that are aggressive than large ones, especially those that are placed on this list.

This is an unfair, biased, and presumptuous rule that, more often than not, leaves families with no other option than to live in areas that are not so great, or forces them to rehome their dogs, possibly even to the pound where they will be killed. Changes need to be made, and education given that this is not a specific breed problem; it is an owner problem, primarily. Please help to make a difference for families and their beloved pets so that they might find fairness and equality to be able to live somewhere decent and respectable with their fur babies.

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