• by: Victoria Salter
  • recipient: China Embassy UK, companies that sell and promote bear bile, Chinese Government, worldwide endangered species bodies,

Hello �,
For thousands of years in China, innocent Asiatic black bears, or "moon bears", have been kidnapped from their homes and families in the wild, forced into captivity, forced to live in very cruel conditions in cages, wounded in their stomachs and forced to endure torture as bile is "milked" from them twice a day, to be used in Chinese medicine and teas. This awful, horrendous, ridiculously cruel and disgusting practice has caused endangerment to these poor bears as a species, so much so that the capture of these poor bears from the wild has been banned. However, many captive-bred bears in China and, maybe, those that were caught before the ban and those that have been illegally caught and/or traded, still suffer horribly and gruesomely for this disgusting trade.
Recently, bear bile has been in use to help treat coronavirus. Although it may help to alleviate symptoms, Clifford Steer, a professor at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, who has studied ursodeoxycholic acid, which is present in bear bile, knows of no evidence that bear bile is effective in treating coronavirus.
Also, the active ingredient in bear bile - the one thought by some to help with coronavirus- ursodeoxycholic acid - is already synthesised in laboratories, so there is no need to torture these poor animals anyway.
This whole coronavirus mess came about due to the trade in wildlife - particularly bats and pangolins. WHEN will people learn not to mistreat and kill animals unnecessarily, for our sake and for the sake of the poor animals, who are also sentient beings, capable of at least some level of thought and emotion and feeling?
It may be traditional, but nothing, not even tradition and culture can justify unnecessary cruelty and killing. Besides, there are other Chinese medicines - herbal ones - that don't involve cruelty to animals. There are also many other aspects of traditional Chinese and Asian cultures that don't involve animal cruelty.
It is so cruel, disgusting and absolutely WRONG!!! WHY can't those in charge in China see that?
Please stop the bear bile trade, both for coronavirus and all other purposes, RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Thank you �.
May you, all the bears, all the dogs, cats, bats, wolves, pangolins, red pandas, civets, all those affected by coronavirus in all ways, and all other sentient beings everywhere be perfectly well, healthy, happy and safe forever ♾.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

Update #14 years ago
Hi 👋,
I have messaged:
People with the UK China Embassy.
The NZ China Embassy.
Other major Chinese companies.
Please use Everyclick, Ecosia, Goodsearch and Givewater (supporting animal-friendly causes) to search China Embassies worldwide and major Chinese companies and kindly ask them to act against this abuse, sending the petition to them.
Please share the petition all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media.
Thanks 😊.
Best Wishes to all,
Keep OK.

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