Allow Backyard Chickens in Bolingbrook, IL

    I am fighting to change our towns law on allowing residents to own backyard laying hens(No roosters). Many of our surrounding towns already have ordinances in place that allow residents to keep no more then 6-8 hens(depending on the town) with proper permits and when following certain requirements they have set. I feel this should be a basic human right to be able to provide a food source for yourself and your family, same as for growing your own produce. Homeowners with an appropriate lot size that can meet the guidelines to keep it of distance from neighboring homes and with signatures of approval from neighbors sharing a lot line with you should be given the same rights as the taxpayers in many other communities do. I have personally lived in this town for about 32 years and shouldn’t have to leave my home to have what residents only a few miles away in the next town can have legally. I have addressed our mayor and trustees already and would like to involve the rest of our community to see how many other people support this. If you would also like to see Bolingbrook change their ordinance, please sign my petition so our village officials can hear our voice
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