Justice for Red the puppy

Demand police get proper training to know
How to handle animals! Our dog was killed by an officer and shot 8 times. He was the sweetest dog you will ever know. We want justice for Red the puppy and poper training for officers. We do not want this to happen to another family! 

WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW) – Wichita police said an officer fired at and killed a dog who charged at him Wednesday night. It happened around 7 p.m. in the 500 block of North Ash.

Officers were investigating a call. Police said one officer was in the alley when he was charged by a dog. The officer fired at the animal. The dog then charged again at the officer.

“The officer fired his weapon killing the dog,” said Officer Paul Cruz, Wichita Police Department. “We are still investigating this case and looking into the incident.”

KSN reached out to the owner of the dog and he said he was not home at the time of the shooting but still hasn’t seen his dog.

“I don’t have any kids, that’s my son,” said Andrew Horton, owner of the dog. “Officers shot my son. They wouldn’t tell me anything. I couldn’t see the dog. I still haven’t seen my dog. They won’t tell me what’s going on.”

He said his one-year-old mutt named Red was a loving dog.

“He’s the nicest dog you’re ever gonna meet, or ever would have met, ” said Horton.

Lieutenant Brian Sigman with Wichita Animal Services wouldn’t comment on the specifics of this case but he did say law enforcement, animal control officers and even some of the rescue groups in town went through training put on by the United States Humane Society.

Part of the training’s focus was law enforcement and their dealings with animals.

“They had just added a new training segment that dealt with officers being involved in dog shootings, whenever they have to defend themselves,” said Lt. Sigman. “None of us ever want to get involved in a dog shooting, that is always a last resort, but sometimes it does happen.”

For Horton, he’st still just trying to grasp the whole situation.

“He’s the nicest do in the neighborhood, every kid in this neighborhood plays with him, he’s never bit, scratched, anybody, he doesn’t jump on people,” said Horton. “Everybody is pretty depressed because that was the neighborhood dog.”

The police officer who shot Red was not injured and the incident is still under investigation.

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