this petition is not to release the animals unprotected in their habitat so that some trigger-happy rich hunters can shoot them and lay there skin before their open fire. It is to give those animals what they need, freedom and being able to live their life as what they are , wild animals hunting their prey and not being fed and taking their dignity away behind bars. In a sanctuary they could be free and still being protected. It is not fair to lock them in a zoo and circus and then pretend that they are protected. It is not the tiger´s fault that they are imprisoned but the men´s fault who captured them, for what I would like to know. Not to protect them because they are dying out.God created them to be the master of the wild not pets, people pay money to see them and others fill their pockets with that money. Those beautiful animals have pride and the zoo and circus life kills their pride and changes them to something they were never born to be.
The Golden Tabby Tiger is one of the extreme rare tigers in the world , it is not a separate species but its color make it unique from other Bengal tigers, it is believed to come from breeding between the Amur male tiger and Bengal female tiger. In 1932 the last two Golden Tabby Tigers were shot near Mysore Padesh in India . From the work done by the Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species and their breeding Partner Dr. Jossip Marcan they bought it back from the very edge of extinction. It is believed now that there are less than 30 Golden Tabby Tigers and all of them live in captivity. In march 2013 two Golden Tabby Tigers were transported to the Safari Park but after more than a week the tigers died because of the improper handling by the Safari staff. They put them in a small dark concrete room for four days waiting approval from officials to release them but they died before they got the approval. The Safari park got the Golden Tabby Tiger from Lahore (Punjab) without the mandatory permission of the Sindhi Wildlife Department (SWD).Because this is not an individual subspecies of tiger, biologists and scientists will not spend excessive time, effort or money on studying or protecting the Golden Tabby Tiger.

This amazing tigers exist only in Zoos and Circus such as clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus, Dream World Australia, The Isle of Wight Zoo in Sandown Longleat Safari Park in England .
This amazing tigers exist only in Zoos and Circus such as clyde Beatty Cole Bros Circus, Dream World Australia, The Isle of Wight Zoo in Sandown Longleat Safari Park in England , and few in wild .