Tank was a loving and Playful big pittbull/boxer baby. Tank was only 2 years old and was very loved by many. Tank was maliciously taken from us by a monster by the name of Ricky Miller. Tanks mother went to work the night of September 10th as usual only to have the worst thing happen to her sweet precious boy. This MONSTER ricky Miller went into Tanks room Armed with a Metal Baseball Bat and soft balls and shut the door behind him. He proceeded to throw soft balls at Tank so hard they got stuck inside the walls. He then proceeded to BEAT Tank with a metal baseball bat as Tank tried to escape anyway he could inside the locked room. The room was left bloody with holes all over the walls. Tank tried his best to escape this HORRIBLE nightmare he even tried to get inside the box spring under his bed to escape but THIS MONSTER still wouldn't stop. Tank suffered in that room with no escape and that's what RICKY MILLER should have to do in jail. He also didn't tell Tanks mom anything until hours after the incident, he left her a note with tanks TOOTH on her counter, he tried to get her to come back to the house without telling the police or her family, We only could imagine what he was gonna do to her, he wanted her to see what he did to her baby boy. Thank goodness she told her family and they called the police. That monster then put tank in a plastic Storage tub and put him outside. These actions are PSYCHOTIC!! He misses court and He has multiple assault CHARGES ON women and A DVO. We don't want him to get the chance to get out and make a run for it. His offenses are repetitive and this monster doesn't deserve to be walking around without any punishment. He is locked up and has court the 19th for what he Did to Tank. WE HOPE THIS PETITION WILL SHOW that he should not be able to walk freely. #JUSTICEFORTANK every signature counts. North Carolina max time for this crime is 30 months. We want him to get EVERY BIT of this. Plz help us!!
    Update #22 years ago
    Ricky Miller bonded out and is now free since a couple hours after court the 19th. We hope that the Justice system doesn't fail us in giving this monster the max time we can for his HEINOUS CRIME. thank you everybody who is still on this journey with us!!
    Update #12 years ago
    We had court today for the probable cause hearing. His strangulation charges were reduced to misdemeanor but The Charge for Tank is STILL a felony. North Carolina Max is 30 months for this crime. We don't believe this is long enough. When it comes to animal rights NORTH CAROLINA needs to do better. Our animals are FAMILY! MAKE AN EXAMPLE of Ricky Miller! Let's hit this goal to try to keep this MONSTER locked up! Thank you all for your support! #JusticeForTank #Share
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