Tell Sec. Buttigieg to investigate American Airlines for kicking all the Black men off a flight!

  • by: OD Action
  • recipient: Secretary Buttigieg

In a shocking tale of corporate-enabled racism, three passengers are suing American Airlines after accusing employees from the company of removing EIGHT Black men from a flight due to a complaint about "body odor" from a white male flight attendant.

Somehow, this led to every Black person on the flight being removed and kicked off the flight, despite the fact that none of them were traveling together and none of the actual passengers made any complaints.

Demand the Transportation Department get to the bottom of this!

To make matters worse, the men were pulled off the plane and then PUT BACK ON after they couldn't find a flight to rebook them on. "I knew that as soon as I got on that plane, a sea of White faces were going to be looking at me and blaming me for their late flight of an hour," said one of the men, Jean Joseph.

The lawyer representing the three men, Sue Huhta, said that American Airlines declined to provide her clients any answers about the incident and said it seems "fairly apparent that race was part of this dynamic…It's almost inconceivable to come up with an explanation for that other than the color of their skin, particularly since they didn't know each other and weren't sitting near each other."

There needs to be some SERIOUS consequences for this absurd incident.

Tell Sec. Buttigieg to investigate American Airlines for kicking all the Black men off a flight!

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