Stop the Landfill in Clay City, NOW!

Blaze Enterprises is in process of putting a landfill in the residential area of Virden Ridge. The owner publicly admitted at the public meeting on February 21, 2019 the runoff would contaminate Snow Creek. By doing so, that would subsequently contaminate Lulbergrud Creek, the Red River, and the Kentucky River. Our soil would be contaminated by the watershed. This would poison our farmland, crops, livestock, wildlife, and most importantly HUMAN LIFE. Our air would also be polluted from the asbestos and debris dust flowing our way in the Westerly winds.

Furthermore, Virden Ridge Road (State Highway 3352) is not equipped to handle the weight of the loads. The poor condition of the curves and shoulders already are hard for the State Highway Department to maintain. The funding is NOT there to pay for the damage they would most definitely occur. Blaze Enterprises stated they've paid in taxes to Powell County to offset the damage that would happen to our crumbling road. After research, I've found they've NEVER paid any taxes into Powell County.

The safety of the 140 children that travel this road twice a day on the school buses would be in danger. These triaxle trucks wouldn't be able to safely pass without them or the school bus running off the road. There are no shoulders to accommodate an error like this. Injuries are certain to happen. OUR CHILDREN'S LIVES ARE AT STAKE!!

Also, this landfill would cause our property value decrease. As the realtors spoke during the public meeting, they stated anyone that owns property within 1 mile of the landfill would have a 12% decrease in value. In an already poor rural community, we do not need this!

Lastly, the economic impact a landfill would have to our growing community would be so unreconcilable. In the meeting several people came and voiced their opposing concerns for this landfill who stated they moved here from elsewhere to enjoy the nature and beauty this county has to offer. With a landfill like this, families wouldn't consider Powell County as a top choice anymore, our tourism would definitely be impacted, which would for certain have a negative impact on our county.

Please help us keep Powell County clean, a safe place to raise our children, and a place others want to continue to visit with their families. We have until March 8, 2019 to get all voices heard. Take a brief moment to complete this petition before it's too late.

Thank you for taking the time and standing up for our community by signing this petition today.

Petitioning: Application for Less-than-one-acre Construction & Demolition Debris (CDD) landfill Blaze Enterprises, LLC. Agency. Interest No. 109545/ Application Activity No. ARP20190002. 

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