• by: Kevin Silvey
  • recipient: Governor Rick Scott and the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC)

The FWC has authorized a black bear hunting season. This is the first in 40 Years. The State caters to new businesses and welcomes developers, but wants to kill the Bears who inhabited this State long before we did!!

There were 36,000 petitions signed asking for protection for the bears, $5,000 donated for bear proof trash cans so that we can co-exist with the Florida bears and more than 400 calls to Governor Rick Scott asking him to put a stop to this hunt!  

In addition, 75% of Floridians opposed this action and there was a lack of sound science including an incomplete population count (the true number of Florida black bears is not known), but the FWC voted for this awful hunt without regard to the will of the people and with callous disregard for the Florida black bear species! 

Lets put the pressure on before the hunt begins on October 1, 2015!!  

Update #49 years ago
Dear Friends: Thank you so much for your overwhelming support on this serious issue. I noted that the close date had just passed, so I have changed the close date to August 26 to see if we can reach more signatures! I sincerely and humbly thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart!! Peace and Love, KS
Update #39 years ago
Dear Friends: We have broken the 5,000 signature mark on this petition!! Please be sure to keep this momentum going!! If we can keep increasing the signature count as we currently are, I am going to change the delivery date for delivery of this petition to Governor Rick Scott to mid to late August! Thank you for all that the you do and thank you for your support! Peace and Love, KS
Update #29 years ago
Dear Friends: I am overwhelmed by your support!! Thank You!! We are approaching 5,000 signatures, so please be sure to spread the word to your friends and contacts. This is a despicable State sanctioned action that can hopefully be stopped before it starts!! Thank you for all that you do to make change in Florida (and the World)!! Peace and Love, KS
Update #19 years ago
Dear Friends: Thank you for signing this petition. I am humbled by your outpouring of support and I also thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have set the new target for signatures at 5,000!! Please forward, share and keep this issue on the front burner! I am planning to deliver this petition personally to Governor Rick Scott late in July!! Peace and Love, KS
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