Save the Hibbard Park Trees!

Our petition to save the Highcrest Grove was successful, the park district board listened and will allow the grove to thrive for future generations to enjoy. The park district board also worked with the residents around Thornwood Park to come up with an acceptable plan for the tanks locations. In both parks it is possible that 1 or 2 trees may have to be removed, but that is all.

Hibbard Park unfortunately did not receive the same fate. We are about to lose eight trees in Hibbard Park, which will leave the Northern corner along Skokie Rd devoid of trees and much needed shade. The reason why they allowed this to happen is because thye claimed they did not get any community feedback.

At this point we are fighting an uphill battle, to get the park district board to change their mind will require the support of 5 out of 7 board members, but we can easily win their support.

There are plenty of paved surfaces in Hibbard Park that would be ideal for the placement of these stormwater detention tanks. The village board was presented with one option by the engineers that would have only removed 2 trees. Plus, when the park district asked the village if they would allow them tobuild a third story on the Rec Center for a possible expansion 50 years out so that they can accomodate the storage tanks, the village said NO! As a result the park district board was forced to set aside huge chunks of paved surfaces and treeless basbeall diamonds for a possible future Rec Center expansion or replacement.

While we still have 2 years before construction will begin at Hibbard Park, decisions need to be made now and time is critical. Please support saving the trees at Hibbard Park so that we can show the park district and village boards that we care. Thank you.

Ben Tolsky

Update #35 years ago
Tomorrow (Tuesday) night's meeting is at 7:00 at Village Hall, and the more people we can get there to support flood relief and saving our trees the better. If you can't make it I understand, I will represent you there. But if you can spare the time to attend the meeting it will go a long way in our mission to get flood relief in an environmentally responsible way that will ensure that our children continue to have high quality parks to play in.

Hope to see you tomorrow night!
Update #25 years ago
Thank you to everyone who is supporting our park! Lets take this one step further and provide even more support. I am pledging $500 to the park district to plant more trees if they will save our trees in Hibbard Park. I'm asking you to make a similar pledge, whether its $5 or $100, every bit helps. Either reply to the Nextdoor post titled "Make a pledge for our trees!" or email me at . I will then present the total amount pledged to the board.

Thank you!
Update #15 years ago
Just to make everyone clear about which trees are being impacted, it is a very diverse group, there are 3 elms, 2 hickories, 1 oak, and 2 maples. There is no other area in the park with this much diversity.

Also, in order to allow you to more easily share this petition with friends and neighbors, you can now access it at
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