Make 'Brockhill Bags' Free For All Or Don't Make Them!

About three years ago, new uniforms were brought into mainstream at Brockhill Performing Arts College. This was a major expense for the buyers and the students since the 'blazer' was compulsory to wear; even in summer. Now we face a similar experience due to an idea to have these so called 'Brockhill bags', which are basically rucksacks that will be marketed at double what they are worth.
I, along with almost every student at the school, am furious at this decision as it will provoke bullying and discrimination towards the academies within the school, and when out and about. This petition will hopefully, when presented, change the minds of our head(teacher) and the lead of the campaign, and put a stop to this madness. However, I think targeting a teacher would get me isolation for the rest of my life. Thank you for all the support!

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