Save Endangered Species with Junk Food

  • by: christine robertson
  • recipient: Producers of Soft Drinks such as Coca Cola,Pepsi, Schweppes,McDonalds, Kentucky Fried etc

The Scientific community has shown that it would need 76 Billion dollars to establish and maintain protect areas for threatened species plus and additional $5billion a year to reduce the threat to endangered species.

The Costs of Endangered Species Are More Than Justified

To arrive at their cost estimates, scientists looked at data on the conservation of 211 globally threatened bird species as well as for threatened mammals, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates and plants.

Obviously, $76 billion is a lot of money. But as scientists in the BBC point out, that amount is just a fifth of what is spent on soft drinks a year (shocking enough to read on its own) and only one percent of the value of ecosystems that are lost every year. $3-5 billion is “less than the amount that the Royal Navy’s new aircraft carrier is over budget,” says BirdLife International in the Guardian. All told, the total sum needed to save species and their habitats is “less than half the amount spent on bankers’ bonuses last year.”

Therefore if each of these companies and others in similar positions contributed $1 from each of their sales each year there would be sufficient funds to cover all that is needed across the world. As they are great contributors to global pollution and have such a large impact on the daily lives of so many people is it not their moral duty to return to the world as much as the take out. How much appreciation would they receive from the world with such a contribution?

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