Join fight to protect eco-systems from plastic waste

  • by: Shivi Sidhu
  • recipient: ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION, Department of Justice

Collectively act. Ask that all states must develop solutions by working with companies and communities who's plastic products easily end up harming ecosystems essential for our future. Mandate all states to stop any plastic waste from entering oceans through rivers, beaches and cities. Hold states accountable for their plastic trash in ecosystems

What it Means to You:Plastic pollution affects every waterway, sea and ocean in the world. When we damage our water systems, we're putting our own well-being at risk. This pollution also has huge costs for taxpayers and local governments that must clean this trash off of beaches and streets to protect public health, prevent flooding from trash-blocked storm drains, and avoid lost tourism revenue from filthy beaches. NRDC analyzed a survey of 95 California communities and found their total reported annual costs for preventing litter from becoming pollution is $428 million per year. See NRDC's Waste in Our Waterways: Unveiling the Hidden Costs to Californians of Litter Cleanup

The issue:We're treating the oceans like a trash bin: around 80 percent of marine litter originates on land, and most of that is plastic. Plastic that pollutes our oceans and waterways has severe impacts on our environment and our economy. Seabirds, whales, sea turtles and other marine life are eating marine plastic pollution and dying from choking, intestinal blockage and starvation. Scientists are investigating the long-term impacts of toxic pollutants absorbed, transported, and consumed by fish and other marine life, including the potential effects on human health

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Update #29 years ago
Take charge. Use this opportunity & call your state rep. with the message below:
Millions of marine animals are fatally feeding on small plastic caps that separate from the beverage bottles.These caps act as bite size appetizers for turtles & fish.I ask mandating beverage industry to only sell soft drinks in bottles with non-detachable caps.
Update #19 years ago
Oceans support life on land. They absorb carbon dioxide, provide evaporation critical for rainfall , support economies, provide food. We need signatures to show DOJ that people are aware and want Eco systems to keep sustaining life. Share this petition on social media, friends and all you know. Can't say thanks you enough. Best Regards
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