Save the Circus Drive In

Update 2/24/17 The township has agreed to temporarily postpone approving any application for the demolition of the endangered Circus Drive-In restaurant, according to a New Jersey 101.5 report.

Update:  This story and petition has received a lot of news coverage the last few days.  So far over 11k people have viewed it on facebook but the signatures don't represent that number.  Hundreds of thousands of people have visited the circus over the years from around the world.  Please share this again and get your family and friends to sign it.  Once its gone there will never been another like this.  For updates visit and like our facebook page  Also like another page that wants to save the circus at

The Wall Township Committee has the ability to make this a historic site. It is the most well preserved Drive-in Restaurant in the country and deserves to be protected from destruction! For the last 60 years the Circus has been a summer right of passage for families, first dates or just enjoying a nice summer night with some good food. Please sign and share. Once this is gone there will never be another one.

Dear Mayor and Committtee members,

Please take action to save this important landmark.  The Wall Township Committee has the ability to make this a historic site. It is the most well preserved Drive-in Restaurant in the country and deserves to be protected from destruction!

For the last 60 years the Circus has been a summer right of passage for families, first dates or just enjoying a nice summer night with some good food. We ask you to please take this under consideration.

Thank you.

Friends of the Circus Drive-In

Wall Township History and News

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