Get rid of illegal Dogfights in North Texas ( McKinney,Texas)
Do you know that dogfights are still common place in many states of the us??
Do you have any Idea how they treat those poor animals and what their "TRAINING "consists of?. These poor animals are chained Down with Cattlechains, chains large and heavy enough to restrain a mad Bull. You do know how large a Bull is some over a Thousand pounds, so why is it necessary to put a 75 - 120 Lb. dog on that?????? The only punishment these owners of the fighting dogs get is ONLY a FINE. These poor animals are kept chained up without food and water for days ,are kicked and beaten on regular basis to make them MEAN, these animals are made to fight until Death ,not because its in their nature, NO, its because these degenerates make money on these Dog Fights and I was told that the cops get a cut of the profits so they can continue this cruel practice .I used to think that only large dogs are in Danger of being stolen or otherwise obtained, strays are always used ,even the small ones, I was told by someone who has been to the fights they use the little ones as bait and training purposes. Talk about animal cruelty, its these so called "HUMANS" who are the REAL ANIMALS. and it is my firm believe that those so called trainers and owners of these facilities are in humane and should be punished accordingly with the crime they committed. They should be chained down, so they cant escape ,beaten and kicked often, given no food or water ,kept in escape proof suroundings and when finally ready and trained these so called humans should be let loose on each other with only their bare hands as weapons ,so they can have a dry slice of bread and a sip of water
as their reward that is IF they survive . I have almost lost my Year old Husky that way. He got out because the water department didn't close my back gate , my dog Max got away , I received a call that day that someone found him , and ask how much was the reward? I am a poor woman, I have no money to give out rewards. the next call I made ,because I had caller ID so I called and was told that yes they found the dog ,but he was now at some other persons home , (a Friend)I ask and pleated for my dog ,nothing . I called the local SPCA, the City's Animal Control , and the police. I gave them the callers Phone number , to contact the person who called me . Finally 3 days later the police called me ,where to meet the to pick up my dog. Now here is the fun part, the police officer told me that this poor man (latin decent ,very little English) had endangered himself by climbing over a fence to get my dog where it was kept. My dog was drugged ,did not recognize me and stunk to high heaven of feces urin and other nasty smells. The police officer said I should apologize to the man who had brought my dog, because by then I was aware of where the dog had been and what sort of person had him and I was very angry, that nothing was going to be done about this problem . As of this day, nothing has been done about the Dogfights and unless the laws are changed and these PREDITORS are punished according to the crime nothing will change and our beloved PETS are in DANGER of being recruited for a one way trip. Why is it SO very difficult to get the laws changed . These are not only criminal elements ,but most likely Illeagal aliens , with criminal records in their country and most likely are also dealing in other unlawfull practices . What is it going to take to get rid of these undesirable elements in our country???????????????
I want an ANSWER and not just empty words of useless and unkept PROMISES !!!!!!
If you love your pet , be it cat or dog, take care of it and help wipe out this murdering of innocent dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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