"ohana means family & family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten"

       Please help me get the word out for stormy a mother of 10 puppies she is fighting for her life and i am wanting so badly for stormy and dogs and cats and any animal to pass a law in the state of Texas that any animal abused by a human will see themselves behind bars. Or paying a 2,500$ fine. Stormy and ger pups where all left to die. Karl boss and his wife and the help of dowdy animal control saved her. She is fighting for her life as we speak. We're short 1,600,00 i will be the voice for stormy as many others in tge dallas area will be also. Stormys story stuck out to me because i know what it feels like to be scared of people to be alone and only count on yourself. To be abused and left for dead. She is telling my story right now. I WILL BE THE VOICE FOR HER TO FIGHT BACK TO HUMANS WHO ABUSE ANIMAL'S AND ANY OTHER ANIMALS VOICE. PLEASE SIGN THIS CAMPION AND HELP STORMY HELP ME FIGHT FOR HER LIFE! I WROTE THIS AND CRIED THE ENTIRE TIME. I AM STANDING FOR WHAT I BELIEVE IN. AND THATS SAVING STORMYS LIFE. I WILL NOT GIVE UP I WILL KEEP FIGHTING. I WILL JOT SURRDNER. I WILL STAND FOR HER AND ANY OTHER SHARE THIS PLEASE I NEED 3000 SIGNATURES. STORMYSTRONG IGOTYOURBACK BABYGIRL HANGINTHERE. This is stormy a week ago last Saturday I finally got a chance to rescue her took me a few days to catch her but with the help of the Dowdy Ferry Animal Commission we are able to catch her thank God we did just left abandon dumped on the side of the road Left 4 Dead while pregnant with multiple puppies we found her Saturday during the big storm and so I named her stormy she gave birth that following Monday to 10 puppies yes 10 one had died in my hands I was able to bring him back to life later Tuesday morning around 4 a.m. when we got up to feed them when was found dead so now she has nine babies that needs adopting in about 6 to 8 weeks but these are kinds of things that need to stop these are the kinds of things that puts a mark on a community city of Seagoville has a no-kill shelter it has a pretty much no-questions-asked policy if you can't take care of your dog drop it off they charge you a small fee to help feed the animal get it microchipped maybe get some shots whatever it works it's a working program but if they change the city ordinance and they go after these assholes dump a pregnant dog to die and you go after their wallet and you raise those fines no you're not going to catch every one of them but the few you do catch and it's hitting their pocket the word of it out there will spread I myself will spread that word the Dowdy Ferry Animal commission will spread that word they have 10,000 followers just in the Dallas area loan that will spread like wildfire so tell your city council members tell your mayor tell every official in your city to change its ordinance create bigger fees bigger fines when people dump animals dead or alive.

update many of you have asked for my name, many have thanked me for standing for stormy, many have asked why? because at one point i was stormy and i had no voice... my name is Shelby Campbell i live in garland texas, i am a proud fighter from animal abuse, my target is to reach 3000 signautures for stormy so the garland and seagaville mayors will make a law for animals that ahve been abused or left for dead like stormy to have life behind bars.


Update #15 years ago
hi everyone!!!! thank you for all signing please share all over the world! i am fighting hard for stormy as she is for her life! share share share please! update as of yesterday stormy is drinking water and keeping uit down no more IV and now to keep food down! her stools are still loose but she is gaining more and more strength
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