Stop the Killing of 70% of the Grey Seal Population

The Fur Institute of Canada has drafted a report aiming to create new markets and kill 140,000 grey seals or 70% of the grey seal population in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Their excuse is that fishermen are complaining that a growing population of grey seals is to blame for eating too many commercially valuable fish. The problem of course if caused by commercial over-fishing, and the real reason lies in the fact that the fur trade will profit by selling the penises to the Asian markets for up to $650.00 each! Their aim is to create a niche market, and of course profit hugely while decimating the seal population.

We are outraged that the notion even be entertained, and demand that no further action be taken against the seals. Stop the plans for the slaughter immediately, let nature take care of itself. The overfishing of commercial vessels is an unacceptable excuse, it is always the innocents who have to suffer to benefit commerce.

Update #19 years ago
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