Netflix or Amazon should pick up future seasons of Hap and Leonard!

  • by: Steve G
  • recipient: Netflix and Amazon

The Sundance Channel cancelled a much-beloved show with many loyal viewers (that they did little to promote) and after 3 great seasons, there's are many more Hap and Leonard books ready to be adapted.

One of the prime streaming channels like Netflix or Amazon should and allow the current fans and future fans to find this wonderful series!

Update #16 years ago
Joe r Lansdale:
Hap and Leonard, third season is coming out on Netflix, and the show is canceled by Sundance, but here's a form that was used last time. Folks keep saying why doesn't Netflix pick it up. I think they had an opportunity to, and didn't. But, for those who tried last time, and for many who have just found out was canceled, you can give this form a shot. If nothing else, it can show Netflix the three seasons should stay on Netflix.…
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