Maui's Wildlife is Burning Alive. Immediate Rescue is Essential!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Forestry and Wildlife

We have all watched the devastating fire that ravaged Maui, Hawaii's second-largest island. Rescue efforts are underway, but the reality is horrifying. The death toll is climbing, and thousands are left without homes and looking for loved ones. The beautiful landscapes that once echoed with vibrant life now stand charred and silent. Early reports suggest that over 20,000 animals, ranging from household pets to indigenous wildlife, have been affected. The lush habitats that these animals once called home are now barren wastelands. History has shown that in the aftermath of such calamities, prompt action can mean the difference between recovery and irreversible loss.

Sign the petition to demand immediate and decisive action from the Division of Forestry and Wildlife (DOFAW) under the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources to facilitate the urgent rescue and rehabilitation of these innocent creatures!

"Haunting drone images show displaced birds with singed wings, terrified animals trying to scramble to safety, and marine life choking on polluted waters."

With such a significant number of impacted animals, the delicate balance of Maui's ecosystems is threatened. These creatures play pivotal roles in pollination, seed dispersion, and other ecological functions. Their absence or decline can have cascading effects that harm the environment and other species that depend on them. 

It's now crucial for the DOFAW to step up and ensure every possible measure is taken to rescue, rehabilitate, and reintroduce these animals into safe habitats. Sign the petition to save Maui's animals and help restore the island's natural harmony!

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