Demand the government keeps protection measures to save the bandicoot from extinction

  • by: Georgina B.
  • recipient: Federal Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt,

Scientists in Australia are urging caution on removing the southern brown bandicoot from the threatened species list, according to reports in the Sydney Morning Herald.

The Victorian state government is concerned the federal government is trying to delist the bandicoot (south-eastern), which would reduce protection for the species.

Threats to the bandicoot include feral animals, habitat loss from land clearing and road hits from cars and trucks.

A scientist from the Royal Botanic Gardens, Terry Coates, has urged caution on removing the marsupial from the threatened species list. If the species gets de-listed and money is taken out of species management programs because it no longer triggers federal laws, scientists may lose the resources needed to keep populations alive.

"We are going to be recommending strongly that this requires more in-depth analysis," Mr Coates said.

No species should be allowed to slip into extinction when something can be done to protect it from threats. Will you help me demand the Australian government keeps existing protection measures for the southern brown bandicoot by not removing it from the threatened species list?

Please sign and share the petition to urge Federal Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt, to keep the southern brown bandicoot on the threatened species list.

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