Close pet shops at Tiendesitas!

Be part of the change and the voice of those who cannot speak for themselves. We have heard too many excuses from Tiendesitas, experienced too many heart aches and seen an abundant amount of photos that prove that animal welfare is not a priority for this business so if they cannot be responsible pet vendors, do not support them and shut the area down.

If you are not aware of the appalling conditions pets are being kept in, all you need to do is google image "Tiendesitas Pet Shop" or "Tiendesitas Pet Village". There are many articles exposing these conditions as well as comments on their Facebook page from distraught people. This has been going on for years and they have done nothing about it. 

Thank you for your support. Please share this petition and together, let us shut this place down!

Some articles:

Dear Tiendesitas,

Many have written to you urging to set high standards for your pet shop vendors and to own up to the terrible things happening to the pets in your establishment but yet it is clear that you are all talk and no action. I will not tolerate the animal cruelty you condone in your premises any longer and I will not support your shopping establishment until you show some respect.

Please close down the pet shop / zoo section of Tiendesitas immidiately and become the consciousnes and responsible company we hope you to be.

Thank you

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