• by: Alan Shaji
  • recipient: United Nations Environment Program

For too long, our planet has been compromised for profits. My name is Alan Shaji and I am 14 years old. At this age, I am already concerned about my planet. As a human, I am worried about my future and what is in store for us on this Earth. The crisis of our time is not just wealth inequality or corporate greed; it is deforestation. Deforestation is not only a national crisis but an international one. Politicians and world leaders continue to ignore the dangerous effects of cutting trees at horrendous levels, but now is a time for a change.

Humans cut down a forest the size of a football field every second. 80,000 acres of forest disappear from Earth every day. These facts are scary but are also very true. In 100 years, all of the world's rainforests could disappear if we continue our cruel methods. 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their livelihoods. Many animals could likely go extinct if the rainforests are eliminated. These animals include harpy eagles, gorillas, pumas, geckos and many more.

This is a dilemma that must be solved NOW. This is no longer a question about if, but it is a question about when. The generation that we leave behind to our children should be prosperous and green. We no longer have time to wait around for our leaders to act. If we lose this fight, it not only means the loss of many animal species or beautiful sights, but it means the end of a green life as we know it today.

Help pass the Climate Deal! The Climate Deal is the plan that will help take the first step to end Climate Change. The Climate Deal is a 3-point plan to minimize the disastrous effects of climate change.

Plant 1 trillion trees- We need to plant 1 trillion trees over 10 years. Trees are the most effective and cheapest way to slow down climate change. Trees store carbon dioxide which is essential for boosting climate change. Although 1 trillion seems like a lot, our planet fosters 3 trillion trees, which could vanish completely in the next 100 years. Many people rely on the forests as shelters and homes, but if we cut them down, they must be displaced somewhere else. Planting trees will not only sustain life as we know it for generations to come but will also make the world a safer place.

End fossil fuel subsidies- Fossil fuel and oil companies do not need subsidies when they sit on top of their giant profits. Fossil fuel and oil companies do not need tax-payer funded subsidies while our planet is being harmed. Politicians continue to hand out subsidies after subsidies to big fossil fuel and oil companies while leaving infrastructure and education funding to all-time lows. 

Promote clean energy- Invest in clean energy projects in solar and wind energy in the world. Solar and wind energy are the 21st-century energy providers. Renewable energy and renewable energy jobs must be promoted in order to have a successful climate takeover. Although this process might not be finished in a few weeks or a few months, we must take the first step to go green. Our planet is at risk and we must take action.

Please take some time and share this petition with friends and family! This is an issue that can not be held back any longer. We have to let corporations and governments know that profits and politicals seats will never be as important as our trees.

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "the nation that destroys its soil destroys itself."

Join me to fight our political leaders and help take a step into making the world a greener place!

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