Giraffe, Caffe Nero, Yo! Sushi and Pret A Manger: We Say “No, Thank You” to Rainforest Destruction!!!!

  • by: Victoria Salter
  • recipient: Giraffe, Caffe Nero, Yo! Sushi and Pret A Manger.

Hello 👋,
I live part-time in Exeter, UK. I absolutely love eating out, and Giraffe and Pret A Manger are/were two of my absolute favourite places to eat out. I have a also been and liked the food in Caffe Nero and Yo! Sushi. The eateries can be friendly and nice.
What I do not love so much is the fact that Giraffe, Caffe Nero, Yo! Sushi and Pret A Manger are not known for good ethics around palm oil. Far too many (with one being too many) orangutans have died and been injured because of greedy humans burning their rainforests to build palm oil plantations, supplying companies like these. Rhinos, orangutans, tigers and elephants all rely on the rainforests in Asia, which are being burned for palm oil. These beautiful rainforests are also great for making fresh air, through the trees breathing in Carbon Dioxide and breathing out oxygen for us all to breathe. Rainforests are also vital to local and indigenous people who rely on them as their homes, and for their lives and livelihoods. The animals need the rainforests, and so do we!
Pret A Manger already do good through their foundation, benefitting homeless people. It's time to apply those good ethics and that conscientiousness and compassion to the rainforests and all their inhabitants, both human and nonhuman.
We, the Undersigned, all kindly demand that Giraffe, Yo! Sushi, Caffe Nero and Pret A Manger all stop buying unsustainable palm oil. We will continue to pressurise these chains until they stop. We also kindly ask that these chains support charities and projects aimed at saving the rainforests, the orangutans, the other rainforest animals and the indigenous people.
Giraffes are endangered. As your chain's name is Giraffe, why not also support giraffe conservation?
Thank you 😊 🙏🏾 ☺️.
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!

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