Restaurant Chains: Switch to 100% Vegan Menus As Soon As Possible

  • by: Victoria Salter
  • recipient: McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Wendy's, Chipotle, Chic-Fil-A, Wetherspoon's and Subway.

Worldwide, more than 70 billion land animals are brutally and wrongly slaughtered for their meat, unjustly taken from their families, the fields. paddocks, barns and stables where they have been living and the abusive conditions on intensive farms, only to be loaded (sometimes carelessly) onto trucks, lorries and ships, to be taken into the slaughterhouses where they will be stunned using captive bolt guns, gas chambers, electric tongs and electrified water baths and then have their throats cut by blades. They then bleed out. It may take them minutes to die.
The gas chambers are not humane. The poor pigs unfortunate enough to be put in these hellholes scream in agony, sometimes for up to 90 seconds. They burn on the inside.
Sometimes, the stunning doesn't even work properly; sometimes, fully conscious animals, on whom the stunning has failed, have their throats cut and bleed out, in pain. This is even if stunning is used at all; for certain types of religious slaughter, such as kosher and halal slaughter, the animals aren't stunned.
Pigs squeal and try to escape slaughterhouses. Animals get distressed when they reach the slaughterhouses. The animals can smell the blood and pick up on the distress at the slaughterhouse. They might not know that they are about to be killed, but they know that something bad is going to happen at the slaughterhouse.
McDonald's alone uses one billion pounds of beef each year just in the USA. McDonald's sells 550 million Big Macs each year. Burger King sells 2.1 billion Whoppers each year. All of this meat comes from innocent animals who may have screamed in terror at slaughterhouses, and been abused for all/much of their entire lives.
KFC were renowned for their cruelty. Roughly one billion chickens are brutally slaughtered for KFC each year. These poor birds are often kept in stinking, cruel and cramped sheds and cages, the hens repeatedly overbred and mated by roosters, chickens frequently dying at farms and subjected to cruel and painful debeaking.
Wetherspoon's, Wendy's, Chipotle and Chic-Fil-A also sell meat, resulting in the unjust slaughter and abuse of millions/billions of animals.
Animals on intensive farm often don't ever get to see the light of day except for when they're being taken to be slaughtered. Animals on farms, whether intensive or "free-range", or pasture farms, are mutilated. Piglets have their tails, teeth and ears cut, and male piglets are castrated, all without a drop of anaesthetic. Chickens have their beaks sliced with a red-hot blade and they can feel the pain for the remainder of their often miserable and unnaturally short lives. Bullocks (young bulls) and male calves are castrated without anaesthetic. Male lambs and rams are castrated without anaesthetic. Calves also have particular acid/s put on their horns, which can drip into their eyes and blind them.
Also, switching to more "humane" and "high-welfare" meat, dairy and eggs is not the answer. Animals on "high welfare" and "free-range" farms are still taken from their mothers, abused and sent to slaughter, where they are stunned (which may not work) and then end up on the kill floor, bleeding out, their throats sliced, blood all over the floor, hanging upside down. There is no humane way to kill an animal that doesn't want to die for an unnecessary reason. "Humane" slaughter is an immoral oxymoron. It is (kind of) even worse to slaughter animals from "high welfare" and "free-range" farms because they actually had a reason to want to continue their lives. They had lives worth living. They had lives out the fields, paddocks and pens that they might have enjoyed, even though they would probably have suffered abuse, exploitation and mutilation/s. It is a great betrayal and injustice. In fact, one slaughterhouse worker even reported that it was the "high welfare" and "free-range" animals who were the most distressed at the slaughterhouse; they had never experienced anything like the slaughterhouse before and were used to living a "better", more "natural" life. If someone were to give a dog a really good life, "love" them and take really good care of them, and then shoot them in the head and eat them, would that be justified? If someone were to give a human a really good life, tend to their every need and want and then just go and murder and eat them, would that be justified?
The vegan movement is one of the fastest growing movements in the world. As of January 2021, there were a reported (approximately) 79 million vegans in the world. As the vegan movement grows, McDonald's and other restaurant chains should make moves towards more compassionate 100% vegan menus, only serving vegan options, for the animals, the planet and their own profits as the vegan movement takes over the world!
Thank you.

Update #13 years ago
GlaxoSmithKline does not carry out animal testing for non-medical products unless they are required to. However, please keep the pressure up to stop all animal testing and experiments, whether for medical products, medical research, cosmetics, household products, personal care products or any other reason. Thank you.
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