Tell Christian Bigots To Stop Hate Crimes Against Women

  • by: Kini Cosma
  • recipient: Inter-American Commission, All Americans, Department of Education

Adopted children are being emotionally abused by foster parents. These foster parents are over protective: Influencing them to treat other people inhumanely; Pets are being continually added into the family only to be sent away when the children get attached to them. I have witnessed this in the situation I am in now. These same home schooled children are not being exposed to anti-bully programs that so many people in the USA are struggling for. In fact, they are being used by their parents to perform abusive tactics on vulnerable people. A bully does not care whom he/she may hurt by his/her tormenting behavior. He/she intimidates the vulnerable for his/her own benefit, or amusement. He/she lacks compassion. The following situtation fits the profile of undetected bullying: The abuser begins using psychological or physical abuse as an effective method for gaining and keeping control of women: cruelty to animals, extreme jealousy, possessiveness, verbal abuse and/or unpredictability.

Tell the Department of Education to make anti-bullying a curriculm for homeschoolers.

"No One Will Believe You. You Are Crazy"

Due to the US Government isolation, police brutality and perjuring lies, community cruelty and menacing, I was constrained to stay in my trailer the May 29, 2012 Memorial Day weekend hiding and living like a criminal fugitive. 

Since I have to shovel manure, trim the feet of my three horses, groom, water and pay for boarding and feed, a Christian bigot and his family of bigots get to enjoy the fruit of my hard work. I no longer get to enjoy my animals without petty psychological abuse by Tim Kee, a Christian bigot, and elementary teacher at   Hosanna Christian School, 5000 Hosanna Way, (541) 882-7732, Klamath Falls, Oregon. And, who resides at 4441 Homedale Dr.  Yet, another police influenced decision to use this menacing family to harass and deprive me of enjoyment with my horses.  

Regardless of my Jewish beliefs, he has imposed his Christian twisted outlook by telling his adopted kids to put water in my hose after I drained it so that the ice clogs it up, turning off the electricity running to the fencing without telling plaintiff,  pushing wheelbarrows in my way so when I enter my area the handles go into my crouch, turning off the water to deprive my horses of water, tampering with my saddle, flooding my barn area and telling his foster care sons and grandchildren that I am the enemy so they can yell derogatory names when I arrive to care for my horses. Once Robin (defendant's wife) ventured into the public library with her adopted sons to murmur derogatory words toward me. You can never catch him playing his pranks but you know he is doing it type thing.  In addition, he influences his adopted sons to say what he wants. Despite my repeated pleas to Kee's wife and police about my hatred toward men who have jinxed my life, Kee's malicious actions and non-actions have continued to jinx my health and the health of my horses.

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