Charge Kristi Noem with animal cruelty for killing her puppy!

  • by: OD Action
  • recipient: Department of Justice

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a potential Trump 2024 vice-presidential candidate, recently released a book in which she bizarrely shared a story of how she shot and killed her puppy because it was "untrainable."

In the book, Noem describes leading a 14-month-old wirehaired pointer named Cricket to a gravel pit and shooting him to death after he ruined a pheasant hunt and killed a neighbor's chickens. Her children arrived home from school shortly after. "Mom, where's Cricket?" asked her daughter.

Ban Kristi Noem from ever owning pets again!

It is beyond horrifying and sadistic to murder an innocent creature because you were mad at it. But as if that wasn't bad enough, Noem then went on in her book to declare that the President's dog, Commander, should be put down as well.

"What would I do if I was president on the first day in office in 2025? Thanks for asking. I happen to have a list. The first thing I'd do is make sure Joe Biden's dog was nowhere on the grounds ('Commander, say hello to Cricket for me')" writes Noem.

This woman is an unrepentant animal-killer and should face justice for murdering poor little Cricket.

Charge Kristi Noem with animal cruelty!

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