Tell Ica to drop their commercial were they make fun of Chinese people having a party eating dogs.

The brand Ica have a commercial in the Swedish television where they have a group of Swedish people who are sitting at a table eating crayfish, they are talking about how Chinese people have strange taste as they eat dogs. Then the commercial jumps to a group of Chinese people sitting at a table eating dog meat and talking about how strange the Swedish peoples taste is.

This is so hiddeous in som many ways since it is worldwide known how horrible the dogs suffer in this country. Also it makes fun of a very serious matter that people are fighting hard about to get it to stop. It is not just a little suffering these dogs go through, it is pure sadism and torture.

To have Ica Stores joking about this serious matter in a commercial is disgusting! We need to let them know it is totally unacceptable!


I have written to Ica and I got this reply from them:

"Thank you for contacting us.

In this week's commercial we want to highlight our tradition to eat crayfish. Eating crayfish in our way is a Swedish tradition, as in many other countries, is seen as odd. The ICA commercials we lift often the traditions and habits in a Swedish different ways with a humorous dispute. With film, we try to illustrate how our food habits can be considered for an outsider, and the film is not meant as a commentary on animal husbandry. We regret that the film may be offensive when it is not is our intention to make anyone upset. We will ensure that your criticism reaches all responsible persons. Care for the animals is an important issue for us at the ICA, and we work continuously to ensure that our suppliers have a good husbandry.


ICA Customer Contact Anna Svensson"


Link to commercial:


Jag har redan kontaktat er tidigare och uttryckt min aversion för er reklam gällande svensk och kinesiskt kultur. I en väldigt motbjudande och fruktansvärt ignorant ton så driver ni med kinesernas kultur att äta hund och hur de anser vi har lustiga matvanor. Världen över kämpar folk för att stoppa detta lands grymheter då de rent ut sagt torterar djur till döds.

Er reklam var oerhört upprörande och därför skapade jag denna protestlista för att visa er att det faktiskt inte bara är ett fåtal som blir fruktansvärt illa berörd av denna reklam och vad den driver med.

Jag valde att stoppa denna protestlista nu eftersom ni inte längre visar reklamen, men också för att visa er hur fort det gick att samla ihop ett antal namn som blev oerhört uppröd över detta. Ingen finner det roande att driva med djurens lidande.


Jeanette Holmgren 

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