Ask Amazon to stop selling traps used to capture and torture animals!

  • by: Tanya K.
  • recipient: Jeff Bezos - Amazon CEO

Please take a moment to ask Amazon to take a stand against animal cruelty and stop selling cruel animal traps. About 100 countries - excluding the United States, Canada and Russia - have so far banned the use of leghold traps on the grounds that they are inhumane and indiscriminate. Great Britain (where they are called gin traps) was one of the first countries to outlaw them in the 1950's and the European Union banned steel-jaw leghold traps in 1995.
Please sign and share this petition, thank you so much.

Dear Mr. Bezos - We ask that you stop the sale of steel jaw leghold traps- they are nasty, cruel mechanical devices, designed to grasp an animal by the leg using spring-operated metal jaws. In their desperation to escape the pain and terror of being trapped, the captured animal will sometimes bite off the limb that has been caught. They catch unintended animals, including birds, domestic pets and animals of rare species. Trappers unintentionally kill literally millions of non-target animals every year.

About 100 countries - excluding the United States, Canada and Russia - have so far banned the use of leghold traps on the grounds that they are inhumane and indiscriminate. Great Britain (where they are called gin traps) was one of the first countries to outlaw them in the 1950's and the European Union banned steel-jaw leghold traps in 1995.

There is ample scientific evidence to show that even if an innocent animal survives the trapping, it often ends up with damaged tendons or ligaments in its efforts to escape. Trapped animals still suffer from torsion injuries, fractures, soft tissue damage and other limb injuries. Innocent animals caught by mistake often have to be euthanized as a result. 

Update #48 years ago
Those against trapping please help Yellowstone Grizzlies! U.S. Fish and Wildlife removing Grizzlies from Endangered Species Act leading to trophy hunting, cruel baiting and trapping of bears barely recovering. Bears need YOU to submit a comment opposing the delisting. Comments due by MAY 10 don't delay! How to comment: Fight to keep grizzlies protected, #DontDelistGrizzlies Facebook group:
Update #38 years ago
Thank you so much for signing this petition. The reaction from people against the use of these cruel traps has been strong and shows that the majority of people strongly oppose this horrible cruelty. Please consider sending a direct message to Amazon asking them to discontinue the sale of these devices to - Together we can make a difference for animals! We will continue to gather signatures and we will keep everyone updated on the progress. Tanya K.
Update #29 years ago
Thank you to all who have already signed and shared my petition asking Amazon to stop selling cruel steel leg traps. I am hoping to meet and far exceed the goal of 5,000. Please share if you haven't already and help me show Amazon trappers are the minority and we will not continue to support the use of the horrible devices.
Update #19 years ago
Thanks to you and your support the number of signatures has already exceeded our initial goal of 1,000! Please help us reach our new goal of 5,000 by sharing this petition with your friends and family.
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