Urgent - ask selectmen to renew Sweet Family lease at Spring Hill Farm

The 400 acre Spring Hill Farm is managed through the Muriel C Church Trust. Miss Church donated the property to the town with a stipulation that it continued to be used for agriculture. The trust has leased the home to the Sweet family who make productive use of the farm with both livestock and vegetables.

In addition, Jay Sweet is related to Muriel Church. Jay's grandmother and Miss Church were cousins. Jay spent time in Chester during the summer working on the farm when he was growing up.

The Sweets have been caring tenants. Here is a list of qualities and actions that have been observed since they have been in residence.

  1. The farm and farm house is well maintained and is looking better than it ever has.
  2. The farm is productive with hay and produce being grown, harvested, and sold.
  3. The trails are being well-maintained and kept open for use for hikers, bikers, and horseback riders alike.

This past week the Selectmen, without consultation with the Trust members, chose not to renew the lease to the current tenants. The Sweet family are ideal tenants for the property, and are devastated by the news.

Please support this petition to the town of Chester selectmen to renew the Sweet's lease so that they can continue living at, and working, the farm. If there's a political conflict, it should be resolved separately from the turmoil to a family that eviction from a place they call home will cause.

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