Traffic Jams Fuel Climate Change and Makes Our Lives Worse. Invest in Public Transit Now!

Traffic. It's one of the banes of our existence, with people across the U.S. complaining about the hassle, annoyance, and time-suck from sitting idly in cars while we're stuck on the road, surrounded by countless other cars and drivers in the same predicament.

Traffic congestion isn't only a nuisance. It's also a major cause of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, due to an increased amount of fuel consumed as cars simply sit on overcrowded roadways, unable to move. And the amount of time Americans spend stuck in traffic jams has only increased over time.

But there is a way forward. State governments must invest in public transportation systems to help free us from the nightmare of gridlock, and reduce our carbon footprint!

Researchers recently compiled a list of the top 25 most traffic-gridlocked cities in the U.S. The locations range from big Coastal cities to areas in Florida, Minnesota, and Arizona. But two states stand out for contributing the most to cities on the list: Texas and California.

In California, San Francisco boasts spot number 4 on the overall list, while Los Angeles clocks in at #6, San Diego at #18, and the capital city of Sacramento at #19.

Texas doesn't fare much better. Houston claims spot number 11, followed by Dallas at #16 and Austin in spot #17.

These seven cities alone make up more than one-quarter of all locations named on the list. That means California and Texas are especially responsible for contributing to the U.S.'s carbon footprint - and for making commuters' lives hell.

We don't need to keep relying on cars as though they're some sort of religion. We need to invest in the future and move towards comprehensive, easily-accessible, high-speed, cutting-edge public transit now!

Government officials in both states must develop comprehensive plans to cut down on traffic congestion, by investing in robust public transportation infrastructure! Sign the petition now if you agree!
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