Stop Jonathan Vernon-Smith using his Employment as a platform to spread his Dog Racist Views.

  • by: Gary Smith
  • recipient: Lord Tony Hall of Birkenhead Director-General of the BBC

Jonathan Vernon-Smith is a BBC Radio Three Counties Radio presenter.

Under his own Admission he is a Dog Racist and he uses his employment as a platform to spread his Dog Racist views and opinion.

Earlier in the year he described Staffords as " Child face ripping off monsters " totally unfounded and sensationalist reporting. He should not be allowed to use his employment as a broadcaster on the BBC as a platform to force his own opinion and dog racist views on members of the public. We the public and as Licence fee payers, demand Mr Vernon-Smith to be removed from his platform as he has abused his position to spread his Dog Racist views.

Update #311 years ago
This man will continue to use his position as a radio broadcaster to demonise and vilify the breed.
After consolation with the BBC, various Dog welfare Groups I am reducing the 10,000 Sigs to 5,000 so I can get action taken sooner rather than later.
I have been told 1,000 sigs would of been enough for the BBC to take note and take some kind of action.
So please share and sign so we can get this mans mouth closed once and for all.
Update #211 years ago
The petition is now well over 1/10th on its way to reaching the petition goal of 10,000 signatures.
I have been keeping an eye on this vile mans FB page and he has not replied once to all the remarks he has had from Stafford lovers.
Please do not let this petition die out, sign it then share it and lets reach our goal.
Update #111 years ago
The petition is approaching its first 1000 signatures, which took two days and needs 9000 more before I will send it to The BBC Director General.
Good effort but we need to continue sharing this on FB and re tweeting it on Twitter.
I have heard from the BBC Three counties radio Forum and they to are disgusted by this mans dog racist views and want his employment terminated also.
Thanks for your support its appreciated.
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