US Government needs to BAN the Importation of Hunting Trophy kills NOW

  • by: Elizabeth Davis
  • recipient: US Congress - Senate & House of Representatives

We as a nation are supporting the decimation of endangered species by allowing the importation of their carcasses, body parts otherwise known as "trophies" by the American hunters that kill them. It turns out that 65 per cent of the Trophy Hunters are Americans.

Australia successfully banned the importation of Lion Hunting trophies.

Why couldn't we do the same or more?

We as a nation need to BAN the importation of "trophies" into the U.S. by American hunters!

We don't want the death of another Cecil the Lion on our conscience!

The brutal slaughter of the lion Cecil, a Celebrity tourist attraction of Zimbabwe, was poached by American hunter Walter Palmer, who has been trophy hunting for years. Cecil's carcass would have been shipped to this country legally, had it not been impounded as evidence of criminal activity in Zimbabwe. 

Details of the story are here: 

We as a nation need to BAN the importation of carcasses and body parts, otherwise known as "trophies" into this country by American hunters.

If we don't work together to BAN these imports we as Americans are supporting the decimation of Endangered species as we speak!

Update #19 years ago
Thanks so much for your signatures!

Good news - Major Airlines have banned the transportation of certain species.
Yet according to this video from the Wall Street Journal, this won't stop trophy hunters from importing their trophies via shipping containers.

Please forward this petition to friends and family, and your social media sites.

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