The bloody seal slaughter has begun

  • by: Emma Rivera
  • recipient: Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Gail Shea, Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird, and Minister of International Trade Ed Fast

Even after seals lose their white baby fur, they're still just babies. They may be learning to swim or on the verge of eating their first solid foods. They spend their days sleeping and playing next to their loving mothers, learning to survive on the peaceful ice floes of Canada's Atlantic coast. 

Left to thrive in the wild with their loved ones, they could live for 35 years. But today, we just received word that the Canadian commercial seal slaughter has begun—which means that tens of thousands of baby seals are about to be shot, bludgeoned, and sometimes even skinned alive. In Canada, harp seals can be killed as soon as they lose their white baby fur at about 2 weeks of age, and most are killed when they are younger than 3 months old. 

Canada’s annual seal slaughter has begun, and seals desperately need your help. Every year at this time thousands of baby seals are shot or bludgeoned and then skinned—sometimes while they are still alive. Seals can be legally killed as soon as they shed their white fur at just a few weeks of age, and most of those killed are under 3 months.

The Canadian seal fur trade may be a fading industry, but the need for action NOW is as strong as ever! Rather than moving forward with a buyout, Canada is currently trying to overturn the EU ban on seal fur.

Update #310 years ago

Canadian Seal Slaughter:
Carino Processing Ltd.—Canada's sole sealskin processing plant' buys another 10,000 pelts, which means that thousands seals were shot and bludgeoned before this atrocity ceases for another year. Now is the time to tell everyone you know about this and urge them to help.

Please help them!!!!

We can do something!

Update #210 years ago
It is time to sign ... please share this petition with your friends

Update #110 years ago
Many were killed but all is not lost: We're so close to ending the slaughter forever. After years of outrage from compassionate people like you and me, the market for seal products has virtually dried up. We finally have the chance to put an end to this cruelty once and for all.

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