Demand the Olympics Protect Transgender and Nonbinary Athletes

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: International Olympic Committee

Nikki Hiltz, a transgender and nonbinary middle-distance runner, recently showcased exceptional talent by running the second fastest time ever by an American in the women's 1500-meter race at the U.S. Olympic Trials. This victory not only secured Nikki a spot in the 2024 Paris Olympics but also set a trials record. However, their participation highlights the urgent need for the Olympics to protect and support all athletes, especially those from the LGBTQ+ community. The world is watching, and it's time for the International Olympic Committee to lead by example and protect the rights and dignity of every competitor.

Sign this petition to demand the International Olympic Committee enforce policies that safeguard transgender and nonbinary athletes during the Olympic Games!

Nikki Hiltz's achievement illustrates the pinnacle of dedication and excellence in sports. Despite their success, the policies governing transgender athletes' participation remain contentious and unclear, particularly for nonbinary athletes. The current regulations by World Athletics, which bar all trans women athletes who went through male puberty from competing in female categories, do not adequately address nonbinary athletes' rights and needs.

Without explicit and supportive guidelines, athletes like Nikki face potential exclusion and discrimination that could overshadow their athletic achievements. The International Olympic Committee must revise its policies to ensure that every athlete competes in a fair, respectful, and inclusive environment.

Sign the petition to support Nikki Hiltz and all transgender and nonbinary athletes at the Olympics!

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