Don't Allow Slaughter of Any More Alaskan Wolves!

  • by: Sebastian C
  • recipient: Alaska Governor Bill Walker

-- made by the

The Humane Society reports that yet another group of Alaskan wolves are being targeted for needless slaughter. The Alaska Board of Game has made this decision even though it flies in the face of science and humanity.

The board will allow the slaughter of wolves living in a section of the Kenai Peninsula, southwest of Kenai National Refuge

The same approach was taken by the Board with wolves bordering the Denali National Park refuge a few years ago, and as a result, wolf sightings within the refuge have "rapidly declined from 45 percent to 6 percent over the course of just a few years," says HSUS.

HSUS Alaska State Director Michael Haukedalen says that these "highly intelligent, familial animals" suffer greatly from these "unconscionable" actions, which cause surviving wolves to "suffer trauma and experience disruption when fellow pack members are killed....This disruption results in packs disbanding," and "elimination of the breeding pair can lead to the loss of pups or yearlings by slow starvation."

Killing wolves bordering the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge will harm wolves inside the refuge, insists HSUS, and it is, therefore, demanding that Governor Walker stops this needless and ineffective slaughter.

Sign this petition to stop the Alaska Board of Game from slaughtering more Alaskan wolves!

Governor Walker:

The Human Society has documented the harmful and ineffective results of killing wolves living on the border of the Denali National Park refuge.

The Society also makes it clear that these intelligent, familial animals are cruelly traumatized by these unconscionable slaughters, predator control actions which it says "most Alaskans abhor."

Those who support this petition, therefore, demand that you put a stop to the Board of Game's decision to allow the slaughter of more Alaskan wolves living on refuge borders.

One petition signer said: Please don't allow slaughter of any more Alaskan wolves , The board will allow the slaughter of wolves living in a section of the Kenai Peninsula southwest of Kenai National Refuge, killing wolves bordering the Kenai National wildlife Refuge will harm wolves inside the refuge , insists HSUS and it is, therefore demanding that governor Walker stops this needless and ineffective slaughter, please stop the Alaska board game from slaughter more Alaskan wolves thanks"

One other said:"Because each and any wildlife animal is of the utmost importance in our world. We humans are not humane, that we know for a long time already. The big problem is that we do not realize that. We are wiping out even the most beautiful and vulnerable animals on this planet. Why killing these wolves, who live on the borders of refuges. May I remember you that WE have taken all their land, all their prey and we even have the guts to kill their cubs. We are really becoming brutal, barbaric, egoistic killing machines. Stop this attitude NOW. God created the animals to live and thrive just like us. But he never said that we had more rights than the animals. NO MORE SLAUGHTERING OF ALASKAN WOLVES."

Another signer said: Because animals are God's beautiful creation. They carry no evil traits like mankind. I love animals very much and hope my signing helps. You get unconditional love from animals. I believe they have souls."

Another highlighted user posted: "Alaska, indeed America is fast becoming a cruel, callous and world destroying country. Why it can't live with the wildlife that was there millions of years before they were, shows the worst of the human race."

Finally, one said: "Trump signed an order to allow wolves to be killed, also their pups, they can be killed in their dens. Bears can be killed from the air, can be baited and also the use of cruel trapping devices can be used. What does this say about this hateful man? Our animals are not safe while he is president, nothing and nobody is safe. This order of his must be overturned. Our animals should be protected, not wantonly killed! America should lead the world in humane treatment of animals! "COMPASSION IS THE SIGN OF A NATION'S GREATNESS"!"

People are DEMANDING that this STOPS!

Sincerely, Sebastian Chokka+ 50,000 others

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