Stop government's wildlife kill-list!

  • by: Michele P
  • recipient: Protectors of Wildlife

Wildlife belongs to all people and is not government property!

But in NC, the Wildlife Resource Commission (WRC) regulates which wildlife are worthy of being rescued. The existing kill-list consists of 5 species, baby raccoon, skunk, fox, bat and coyote and even though the state issues permits to wildlife rehabilitators, a volunteer who responds, rescues and releases back into the wild, to help abandoned and injured wildlife, we are prohibited from helping these babies. Now the WRC is trying to add baby beavers, groundhogs and bobcats to the kill-list. So, if you find an injured or abandoned baby groundhog or fox kit in NC, you have two legal choices; to leave the baby to suffer, starve and die or call a government agent to euthanize it because the WRC defines them as a "rabies vector species" or 'high risk species". Surrounding states, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are doing it right by leaving the choice to rescue up to each rehabber and when one chooses to help all species, they are inoculated and specially trained.

If you're a rescuer you're unlikely to leave a suffering wildlife baby in the woods to die or to cause it to be euthanized. Instead, you'll more than likely take it home and after doing a Google search, provide the best care you can.

If the goal of the WRC is to reduce exposure to "high risk" wildlife" wouldn't it be common sense to want trained, inoculated, volunteer rehabbers to provide the help rather than an ill-prepared public? Humans have a responsibility to all the earth's wildlife. The NC Wildlife and Resources Commission continues to be irresponsible and reckless with this honor and privilege.

By signing this petition, regardless of where you live, you're telling an archaic and controlling NC WRC to back-off and recognize that we have the right to choose for ourselves. You'll be saying abolish their wildlife kill-list and acknowledge that wildlife is not the property of anyone or any office. Train and innoculate permitted rehabbers, like neighboring states and do it the right way, the only way! 

Please sign and share quickly as time has almost run out! 

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