Demand prohibition of Canadian massacre!

Every year, from May to around September, thousands of week-old baby Harp seals are slaughtered quite brutally for the international fur trade. This is one of the many instances where this "campaign" is completley unecssary, besides the obvious boycott of fur. This has been proven to be very unsubstantial, as the whole project causes over c$7 million. Only c$1 million in net. is recived from the hunts. This includes sending sealers, paying sealers, covering injuries, repair, tools, ships, processing furs, shipping fur, and hosting Chinese fashion shows, plus a defiect to stop activists with security, which costs about c$53 billion with taxpayer dollars!

America, most of Europe, and Asia have banned seal fur imported from Canada, countries that would be the highest consumers of furs. Yet the killing quota gets much higher.

The killing process is the most gruesome of the campagin. Baby seals are budgeoned, smashed, shot, skinned, dragged, bled and thrown all while alive and in the full view of their terrfied mothers and friends. 80% of the bloody carcass is left on the ice.

Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper,

I am appaled at the continous Summer seal slaughter. It is apparent there is very little benifit or profit from this "hunt" and should be stopped.This has been proven to be very unsubstantial, as the whole project causes over c$7 million. Only c$1 million in net. is recived from the hunts. This includes sending sealers, paying sealers, covering injuries, repair, tools, ships, processing furs, shipping fur, and hosting Chinese fashion shows, plus a defiect to stop activists with security, which costs about c$53 billion with taxpayer dollars!

I find the bashing, shooting and all in all killing of Baby seals inhumane and cruel, for a product that is completley unecssary! Please stop this. 

Update #111 years ago
THREE DAYS! This many signs! Thank you so much! Were a step closer to stopping the seal hunt!
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