End Poole Council's £100 fines for homeless people begging and more ...

Since April 16th 2018 Poole Council has introduced what I think is a Dickensian and heartless Public Space Protection Order. Homeless, vulnerable people can be fined £100 for asking for money, food etc. ("begging") and this could also include being found sleeping in doorways or car parks according to a BBC news article.

A lot of homeless people have suffered huge amounts of trauma and they are alienated and vulnerable. The areas where this P.S.P.O. will take place are said to be Holes Bay, Alexandra Park, the town centre and the Ashley Road area.

Shame on the council! They should be providing help and proper homes and caring outreach to these, our human sisters and brothers. Who are we to judge? Who knows what each of them has been through? Many have PTSD or have suffered mentally or emotionally in life.

PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE. Petition Poole Council to change their mind and help the vulnerable instead.

Poole Council has been publicising its "ambitious" regeneration project for Poole. Does this include hiding away the vulnerable and homeless and quite often mentally ill? I have never personally been harassed by anyone begging in England. They sit quietly and patiently. Do they need to be removed from the areas because seeing them reminds people of aspects of our society they aren't comfortable with? Out of sight - out of mind?

True and genuine regeneration would involve caring for everyone and helping to heal this fractured and materialistic society, to enable integrated recovery and prosperity for all, not just those that have a lot already and to whom outward appearances matter more than the fundamental truth of our current situation. Change needs to happen where we have gone wrong; not by make town centres artificially respectable.

Update #45 years ago
Thank you so very much to all the lovely people who have signed and shared my petition to Poole Council.
I'm going to check with local people in Poole to see if the situation is still just the same so that when I hand it in it will be fully relevant and up to date.
I'm sorry I had a big break, as I didn't cope as well as I thought I would after my son died but I'm fit, whole and going for it again and want to get accomplished all that i can to help people in very vulnerable situations.
Update #36 years ago
Thank you so much for supporting the homeless people in Poole, and vulnerable and homeless people everywhere.
I now have over 28,000 signatures thanks to you, and will keep going and plan a Big Picnic in the Park, probably for July, possibly June, but need to be sure of good weather!
I am getting local support too and am hopeful of confronting the growing lack of empathy and care by councils money making organisations.
Update #26 years ago
Thank you all for your support for homeless people. I'm sorry I've been off the grid for several days as my mobile broke and I was ill. But I am back and will continue to find more contacts and support for a picnic in a park in Poole for friends both with homes and without homes; maybe Ashley Cross Park in Parkstone.
I have just added a video of a friend I have who has been sleeping rough for a while in Poole and it is an extremely hard and degrading experience no one should have to endure.
Update #16 years ago
Here is a video of a myself and Sam, a lovely person who cannot get out of the vicious circle of sleeping on the streets. She has a lot of courage and dignity and we will change our towns so that the shameful public space protection order, which will actively discriminate against homeless and vulnerable people does not succeed and we will keep standing together for justice, equality and an inclusive society for us all.
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