Save the Yellowstone Bison!!!!! Please Don’t Kill Them!!!!

Hello 👋,
I was reading an article published on Independent in March about how Yellowstone National Park are planning on having up to 900 of their bison killed this year. The bison will be captured and held in pens before they may be slaughtered or relocated. Some of them would also be hunted. Why not relocate all of them? Could sterilisation not also be used a select few bison in order to control their numbers?
Bison are a native animal to the USA. They have lived there for millennia. White humans, on the other hand, are not native and need to learn to respect and love and show kindness and compassion to the natives, both human and nonhuman. Haven't we learned from the past that slaughtering others is wrong and should not be repeated? I'm not trying to offend Native Americans here. What they went through was horrible, but it would only add more violence to an already violent world, in both history and the many present-day violent and tragic situations if Yellowstone do slaughter their bison.
Bison nearly went extinct in times gone by. People would stand on trains as they were going through bison herds and shoot them by the hundreds for "sport". Some conservationists may argue that properly conducted "culls" (massacres) and "sustainable" hunting are not harmful to species' long-term survival, but bison have managed to live in peace and harmony with the land, at naturally controlled numbers, for millennia. Why should they need humans to get involved now?
Yes, some locals may not like the large numbers of bison, but why should their desire for convenience and safety come at the price of native animals who have feelings and families? Why not simply relocate all of the surplus bison, not just some of them?
Meanwhile, the Native American tribes want bison reintroduced to their settlements. Why not try and negotiate with them and say that some of the surplus bison will be relocated there on the condition that they be treated with the greatest respect and kindness and love and only killed when absolutely, 100% necessary?
Bison should not have to die unnecessarily!!!! Please kindly urge Yellowstone National Park not to slaughter or allow the hunting of bison!!! Yellowstone National Park should be a haven and a refuge for wildlife, not a killing field where they are needlessly slaughtered!!!!

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