Stop corrupt Georgia election officials from stealing the election for Trump

Three hardcore Trump supporters have gained a majority on the Georgia state election board, and are setting the stage for stealing the election by changing rules so they can refuse to certify the election, and throw it into chaos.

Tell the courts to stop them.

These officials – proponents of the big lie about the 2020 election being stolen – have approved last-minute changes to the election certification process that will allow them to refuse to certify it if Trump loses, and potentially keep results for the whole nation in limbo. Or throw the election to the House of Representatives.

They know Trump can't win fair and square, so they're trying to undermine our democratic process as much as possible.

Democrats are suing the election board, and asking the court to declare that certifying election results is mandatory and can't be delayed by local election officials.

We need the court to take action against these MAGA board members. They cannot be allowed to disenfranchise voters and undermine our voting process just because they don't like the results.

Sign your name: Tell the courts to take action against MAGA election officials in Georgia >>

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