• by: Jasmina Haigh
  • recipient: Predsednik opstine Bor-Zivorad Petrovic-(Mayor of Bor); Nacelnica opstinske uprave Bor- Ljubinka Jelic (Director of the Bor council); Direktor azila Dalibor Orsovanovic-(Director of JKP 3.October-dog asylum).

1. STOP CRUELTY IMMEDIATELY: Stop the inhumane and brutal rounding up and torture of the street dogs by the dog catchers in the streets of Bor. This is done with the most barbaric way possible and many dogs die before they even reach the dogs' aslyum- JKP 3. Oktobar.

2. ASSESS THE CONDITIONS IN WHICH THE DOGS ARE HELD: The public has no access to the dogs once they are caught which makes the dogs even more vulnerable to attacks, torture and murder. With immediate affect allow the vet inspectors and police to assess the conditions the dogs are held in, as well as their welbeing.

3. THE DOGS' ASYLUM FULL COOPERATION: Whilst on the premises of the JKP 3. Oktobar (asylum) the people in charge as well as the workers (dog catchers) MUST TAKE THE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the dogs' welfare. If not, according to the Serbian Law on animal cruelty, they must be brought to justice immediately. The Criminal Law of Serbia states the following:

"Since 2005 year buy the Veterinary law--article 46, each local community has obligation to take care of abandoned animals.

From 1st January 2006, the Criminal Code of Serbia. Article 269,

Paragraph 1: anyone who is cruel to, inflicts violence or kills an animal as defined by this law, must be punished by up to a 6 month prison sentence;

Paragraph 2: if suffering or death is carried out on more than one animal, the person who inflicted this suffering can be sentenced with up to 3 years imprisonment".

4. IMPROVE CONDITIONS: It is very much in the interest of all the citizens in Bor not to fear street dogs. We also want to see the humane treatment of the strays, so we ask the influential people in Bor (as mentioned above) to seriously consider building of a secure shelter for the dogs and organise free sterillisation in order to stop uncontrollable reproduction of the same. new FB page


  1. Zaustaviti okrutnost nad zivotinjama ( u ovom slucaju psima) ODMAH : zaustavite nehumano i brutalno ´´sakupljanje´´ i mučenje uličnih pasa od strane ´´hvatača´´ na ulicama Bora . To se radi sa najvarvarskiji       mogući način tako da mnogi psi umru i pre nego što uopšte stignu do ´´azila´´- JKP 3. oktobar


2. PROCENA uslova u kojima se psi drze: javnost nema pristup psima nakon što su uhvaćeni što pse cini još ranjivijima na napade, mučenja i ubistva . Dozvoliti pristup veterinarske inspekcije i policije da proceni uslove pod kojima se psi drze, kao i njihovo opste zdravstveno stanje.


3. Puna saradnja sa ostalim azilima: u prostorijama JKP 3. oktobar ljudi koji su zaduženi za brigu o psima kao i radnici preduzeca moraju preuzeti punu odgovornost za pseću dobrobit . Ako ne , u skladu sa Zakonom o dobrobiti zivotinja na teritoriji RS, oni moraju biti izvedeni pred lice pravde odmah . Krivični zakon Srbije navodi:

" Od 2005. godine Zakon o veterinarstvu - Član 46. , svaka lokalna zajednica ima obavezu da se brine o napuštenim životinjama .

Od 1. januara 2006. godine , Krivični zakon Srbije . Član 269 ,

Stav 1 : svako ko je okrutan prema zivotinji, nanosi nasilje ili ubije životinju kao što je definisano ovim zakonom , mora se kazniti zatvorom od 6 meseci ;

Stav 2 : ako se patnja ili smrt vrši na više od jednoj životinji , osobi koja je nanela te patnje može se izreći kazna do 3 godine zatvora " .

4. Omoguciti uslove zbrinjavanja ulicnih pasa : to je u interesu svih građana u Boru i vrlo je vazno da ulicni psi ne izazivaju strah na ulicama grada, a to ce se postici humanim tretmanom pasa lutalica , stoga pitamo uticajne ljude u Boru (gore pomenuta imena ) da ozbiljno razmotre izgradnju sigurnog skloništa za pse i organizuju besplatnu sterillizaciju kako bi se zaustavilo nekontrolisana reprodukcija pasa.


 pratite na nas na fB stranici

Jedan od surovih primera pri hvatanju pasa u Boru/ Please have a look at the most horrific video clip of a defendless dog being cought in Bor by JKP 3.oktobar.  On You Tube:



Ovo su potpisi skupljeni iz celog sveta povodom tretmana borskih napustenih zivotinja. Ceo svet posmatra sta ce se dalje u Boru odvijati povodom ovog pitanja. Na vama je sledeci korak a mi smo tu da pomognemo. Hvala vam na saradnji

Animal Rescue Serbia (USA & Europe)

Update #510 years ago
Huge 'thank you' to the Mayor of Bor, Zivorad Petrovic for his full support and future co-operation. He is fully supporting our cause to not only save bit to also implement all the necessary measures to protects the dogs in the streets of Bor.
Update #410 years ago

Dear friends-WE DID IT TOGETHER!!!!!!

After a week spent in Bor, Serbia with the local authorities, we formed a working group who will work on sterilisation and castration, vaccination and release of healthy dogs in the streets. All illegal actions and practices have stopped! Dogs will no longer be caught and treated inhumanely.

Thank you all who signed and shared this petition.
Update #310 years ago
Finally! A donation page created so that we can help the safe dogs of Bor sleep somewhere warmer at least and have more food as all they have are the handouts from the few local volunteers at this abandoned factory site. Please donate and SHARE!

Jedino skloniste za 70 pasa u Boru gde su psi bezbrizni, ali uslovi su kao sto vidite, jezivi. Molim vas donirajte bilo koju sumu da im obezbedimo hranu i topao lezaj. Hvala i DELITE!…/we-would-like-to-sleep-s…/283866
Update #210 years ago

Jedan od surovih primera pri hvatanju pasa u Boru/ Please have a look at the most horrific video clip of a defendless dog being cought in Bor by JKP 3.oktobar. On You Tube:
Update #110 years ago
Dear friends
Thank you for signing and sharing the petiotion as only together we can make a difference!
We have created a separate page on the facebook for the ease of following this story and we are glad to say that we have already sent the open letter to the government officials in Bor and had a reply re. joint meeting! Our new page

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