Demand reclassification of all Equine as Pets to end cruel horse slaughter!

There is no humane slaughter for horses and since most horses are pets and we no longer use horses for beast of burden and transportation, war, nor heavy farm-work, or even herding cattle (most ranch horses eventually get sold to general public for pets),they are mostly kept as pets and companion animals! Horses do not get the same status as true livestock that qualify for government aid in times of disaster and the slaughter industry for horses is cruel and serves overseas market. As Pets horses would be able to receive some funding for programs for their long term care or humane euthanizing over sending old Blue to slaughter where he will probably be tortured, insanely frightened and does not deserve. Slaughterhouses are set up for different species and not horses whose legs are often broken, beaten to death or just shot in head in the trailer and then drug out! 90% of the meat is contaminated and refused by foreign markets. If the race industry wants to reclassify race bred horses let them do the leg work but in general 90% of horses are pets and companion animals and deserve our care and legislation to protect their rights to a fair life! Help save that 90%! Thank you!

Dear Sir or Madam,

  As you may know the equine slaughter business is very cruel, unneccesary and mostly serving foregin markets, who often reject the USA horse meat for too much contamination. Please help millions of horses and their owners reclassify them as PETS, which would eliminate the slaughter market and open doors to more humane ways to protect and ensue the lives of horses from horribly cruel fates! 90% of horses are now used as pets and companion anuimals. Thank you for your signatures and considerations!

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