Oso-Help Needed-PLEASE SIGN

Oso was abused by his owner,Omar Beltran Nunez by pelting him with rocks and slabs of concrete & them swinging at him with a shovel..This was confirmed by the Phonix (Arizona) Police Department.Oso tried to get away from this abuse,but he couldn't because his ownew,had tied him with wire between two tires in his back yard.Nunez was ordered by a police officer to stop,but he wouldn't.Neighbor's reported hearing Oso crying.

Nunez was charged with animal cruelty.We need to make sure that the charges stick,and that Oso is NOT returned back to him.

Oso still needs a forever home or a shelter to take him.I have a call into the A.H.S. to get an up-date on this story,will keep you posted in my Care 2 news article "OSO NEEDS A HOME"

Please contact wbmaster@azhumane.org.

We must punish the owner for what he did to Oso,we must be sure this man will never do this again to Oso or any other animal,we must be sure this man will never get Oso again or own another animal again.

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