Three Bald Eagles Are Dead After Scavenging From a Landfill. Demand Action!

  • by: Care2 Team
  • recipient: Inver Grove Heights Authorities, Minnesota

Thirteen bald eagles were poisoned after eating euthanized animals from a landfill – leaving 3 of these majestic birds dead. To make matters worse, three of the surviving birds also were also found to have lead poisoning.

Sign the petition to demand Inver Grove Heights implement strict fines for anyone violating proper landfill disposal.

According to the University of Minnesota Raptor Center, eagles were found "lying motionless, face down in the snow, and Raptor Center workers weren't sure if they were still alive."

The facts are simple: these deaths were preventable. The birds were likely scavenging the carcasses of euthanized animals that were improperly disposed of.

"This heartbreaking incident is yet another example of how critical it is for humans to be mindful of what we are putting into the environment," the Raptor Center said. "We are all connected, and sometimes our actions can have unintended and devastating consequences."

Our country's beautiful and iconic bald eagle should not be forced to suffer painful deaths from poisoned meat or lead poisoning.

Sign the petition to demand Inver Grove Heights implement strict fines for anyone violating proper landfill disposal.

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